Sunday, October 28, 2007


I spend the weekend at home. It was so nice. I always come back feeling recharged after I see my family, see my Samy. I see why I work so hard in school and at work. I see why this hectic life is worth is, namely working 12-hour shifts and then turning around to go to class a couple of hours later. It is sooo worth it when it gives me a paycheck that puts gas in my car so that I can go home again.

Yesterday was my adorable nephew's birthday... happy first birthday Trace!! His party was today. Little family gatherings that we have like this, or big ones like my family reunion, help me realize how happy I am with Sam. He accompanied my family and I today to Trace's party, and I can only say that I just love how he helps out with things. I don't have to ask him to help my dad or my brother, or anyone for that matter. If he sees that decorations need to be taken down, he'll start on them or should tables need to be cleaned, he grabs a washrag and starts cleaning. I love that this morning he was at my house bright and early to help get things together, and after he helped me do dishes and I went to go get ready, he helped my mom with a project she was working on for Trace. It was so cool to walk into the living room and see him holding a piece of wood for her while she put glue on it. I love him so much.

I love that my mom is such an AMAZING woman. I want to be like her one day. I don't know how she is always so giving of herself and is so eager to make us feel special. I love my mother. She is a great mom and grandma. My grandma would be proud of her. I can't wait until one day she does special things for my children... until I walk into the house one day and hear her say, "Dejalos, mija, " meaning "Leave them, I'll take care of it," and tell me to relax, taking the children from my arms so that I can rest a while. I admire my mother. She is my hero.

On another note, I recently checked out Jane Erye from the library. I've been wanting to read it for the longest time. Maybe I'll have a chance soon, though the upcoming weeks in my planner are marked with different colors, indicating meetings, quizzes, exams, projects, and papers due. Looks like I'll be exhaustably busy until the third week of November.

What is exciting, though, is that once I make it through Thanksgiving break, I'll have about 2 weeks to finish this semester. Then one more to go... and that... that is awesome :o)

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