At one moment you are as hopeful and blissful as life allows, and then things turn to shit. I am not speaking of my life as it currently stands, because I couldn't be happier :o) Earlier, though, I was looking at an old post I had on facebook, and I was reminded of where I was a year ago today. I wrote a note because I was depressed... I didn't quite know what it was that was making me feel that way when I'd once been so happy and it was all lost. I couldn't figure out why I was so sad- well, actually I knew then, but I couldn't figure out why things changed.
Now, I see that God had a bigger plan for me. Even when I doubted Him with all the "why?"s and "how will I go on?"s, He knew. My God is such an awesome and loving God. He knows me better than I do myself- and He knew, when I didn't, what I need. He knew what would make me happy, but more than happy, He knew what would give me joy. He answered my prayers and gave me so much more than I could ever have hoped for. I am happier than I have ever been in my life... truly and completely happy. My soul is at peace and I wish for nothing but love and happiness for all those who have been a part of my life, meaning you. I hope all of you are at peace wherever you are, and if you find that peace has not yet found you, keep praying... keep your head up, keep picking up the pieces, and find encouragement in God, for in Him is the peace that everyone spends their lives searching.

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