Monday, November 26, 2007


I have a very important decision to make.

I am graduating- God willing- in May. Four months of school left.... AAHhhhh! The big decision I'm facing is where I'll work.

Do I want to stay where I am now or go home? I don't know that it'll matter all that much career-wise really, because either way, I'll have my degree and my licensure. I can work in an ICU/ER anywhere. But where to go?!

Here: bigger city= more things to do, little sister here, I love the hospital I already work at, bigger hospital= more experiences?, employee satisfaction is higher here

Home: mom and dad, little sister there too, Sam, work in the same ICU as my dad (that'd be cool), save more money

I really really don't know what I want to do. :sigh: Big decision to make in little time. Little time kind of meaning this week. Oh my. Pray for me please.

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