Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Why is it that I feel tired right now? I worked, yes, but so does every second person in this world. Maybe it's not so much that I feel tired as slightly unmotivated. I need to work on a concept map and get that bit of my research paper done, but I don't want to! I want to read Ender's Game. I am close to 75-100 pages away from finishing it, and I want to finish it tonight. It's sooo good. I want to listen to Samy read to me all night. I want to write without forming new paragraphs. I want to play catch with my sister and not feel like I should be doing something else.

I want a friend back. I miss her. I miss that we were very close at one time... that I knew what she was thinking most of the time when we were together. That we used to have sleepovers and laugh at silly moments. I miss knowing her. But I guess people change over time, make new priorites. We grow apart and make new friends and find new interests. I understand. That's part of growing up. I just wish that things didn't have to change so much. It makes me sad to think about it.

But Miranda, no one gets what they want all the time.

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