We had our beautiful little boy, Samuel Lynn III this past Monday, August 1, 2011 at 1016 am. He surprised us all, making is grand entrance to this world at a whopping 8 lbs 13 oz and 20.5 inches long. I was rather amazed myself. Sam and I thought he was going to weigh around 7.5 lbs, since his sister was 7 lbs 1 oz. Noooo, he was much bigger.
It's interesting though, because this labor was much easier on me. Total labor time with Ella was 18 hrs, but little man arrived in 11. I got an epidural with both, although I'd seriously thought about trying all natural labors. After much prayer and deliberation, I decided to look at epidurals as a gift to women, something I should say "Thank you" to God for, and not so much something I should feel guilty about using. I can honestly say that I am very glad I made the decision to get one after all. And Sam is very supportive- he was by my side with whatever I felt I should do. I love him so much.
Sunday night, we had Sam's family over for dinner and a movie. After they left, we finally got into bed around 11. Right before dozing off to sleep, the contractions came at 1115. I knew right away it was the real deal. They felt exactly like the contractions I had when I was induced with Ella. They hurt very low in my abdomen like a severe cramping. Sam and I timed my contractions until they were 3-6 minutes apart and then called my OB. He told me to go ahead and make our way to the hospital. Thankfully, we had everything ready, so we dropped Ella baby off at my parents' house and made it to the hospital around 3 am.
I was 4-5 cm dilated on arrival, so my nurse was in a hurry to get everything done. I got my epidural by 5 am and with that, was finally able to get some rest. I slept until almost 8 and had little man around 10 that morning. It was a great labor and delivery with no complications and manageable pain.
Sam was the most amazing coach and husband throughout it all. He never left my side and talked me through the pain. I love, love, love this man. He's so encouraging, even when he's not sure what to say. It was the best thing, just to know that he was right there with me.
My sweet Momma was there through it all too. She met us at the hospital right after we dropped off Ella. She was my prayer warrior during my delivery, just as she always is. I love my mother so much. Her faith inspires me and the woman she is pushes me to be a better one myself.
Anyhow, I'm off to bed. I started this post before dinner and am just finishing it after a night well spent with Sam's family. I'm exhausted, though very much content. I just want to lay down now and do nothing but sleep.
So, I conclude this post on one last not-too-tired note. I think I'll be posting more often in the future and with lots of pictures! I say that as I write this post on my baby gift from Sam. I'm spoiled, I think. He gave me an iMac 27" all-in-one desktop as my baby gift! I super duper like it :) It's most definitely an upgrade from the Sony Vaio we've been using as our primary computer, the one Sam purchased new in 2005. Yes, we were most definitely due for something new. And the got the top of the line :)
Well, I'm off to bed as I mentioned in the paragraph prior to the previous. I'll leave you with some recent pics of the family. Goodnight blogworld. Hope everyone has a great night.

My beautiful daughter at 16 months

Hubby and me taken a few days before delivery
We're goofy :)
I just like this one because it's a little different.
Gotta love that Ella's eating a pinecone in this one. Silly Ella.

Playing with Momma :)

And finally, he's here!!
Congratulations!!! :)
Love the photos! :)
oh, miranda!! I am so excited for you and your family!! You are a beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful pregnant mommy! I can't wait to see more pictures of your family!
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