Friday, August 12, 2011

Jumpin on the Bandwagon

I know we're more than a few years late, but Sam and I started Harry Potter! I'm excited; it's really good so far. We went to the library yesterday to borrow a copy, only to find out that there are tons of copies that said were available but were somehow lost. From there we went to a used bookstore downtown and bought the first volume for 1/2 price! I think we'll go there again!

Anyway, we're about 100 pages or so into it, and I think the rest will fly by.

Sam and I have been pretty busy lately, taking care of our little family of four :) Baby boy is with me almost constantly, as he is a voracious eater, and poor Sam, is not quite capable of nursing him ;) I've really started to enjoy breastfeeding again. There's a bond there that just can't be replaced. I'm so grateful this round of nursing has been much easier on me than it was with Ella. Maybe it's because I know what I'm doing now?

Well, short post today. Gotta start on lunch for my nieces and Sam and me. We've got the girls while Sam's sister Stacey and her husband are in Dallas. I've got some cute crafts planned for us. It's cute, they're so excited!

My pretty girl at the park with daddy

My gorgeous little man ready for his first trip out of the house. Going to visit Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

alex said...

Oh, Miranda! You children are precious!! I love them! Thanks for the pictures!!! Glad you started Harry Potter! I am still obsessed with those books - so much that we are going to Universal Orlando for our anniversary just to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!