Well for the month of October, I'd set a spiritual goal to read one chapter of Proverbs a day- 31 chapters in 31 days. I listen to Catholic radio all the time and especially like a show called Faith and Family. I caught a great show one of the last days of September where the host did an introductory Bible study to Proverbs. I've read bits and pieces of it but never read the book cover to cover. So that's where I am now :) I knew there was great wisdom in Proverbs, but so much? I've been so amazed. I want to highlight every other verse!
I'm getting off topic a bit, but think it's quite funny how different Sam and I are when it comes to our Bibles. When I study something, anything, especially the Bible, I want to take notes and highlight and underline and make it mine! For as long as I've studied, in school or college, this is how I learn and get into something. Well, Sam, on the other hand, likes to take notes, but cannot make himself write in his Bible. He told me once, (I think it's so cute) "I've never been able to write in a book, especially not the Bible! It's so holy, almost like it'd be sacrilegious to me." My sweet man :)
When I get through the end I'm sure I'll be posting some of my favorite verses. I've studied Prov 31 in my Ladies for Christ Bible Study group and I can't wait to learn from it again.
Moving on, Sam and I have been looking into selling my car and buying a used one for cash. God willing, Sam will be in grad school next summer and I'll be the only one working for a little while. That being said, we're looking at eliminating as much debt as possible and decrease our monthly bills. If we sell my car and buy a used one outright, our only debt will be our mortgage and my student loan. Of course, we'll still have utilities and such, but that's manageable. We went to look at several different cars and trucks over the past several weeks. My favorite would have to be a '01 Land Rover Discovery I test drove a while back. It was sea-green, all leather, two sunroofs, automatic everything, 4x4 (perfect for camping!!). Sooo pretty! Sam found an F-250 he really liked. The only drawback was that the truck wasn't diesel. We'll keep looking to make sure we find the best suv/truck for us, but it's exciting to being getting rid of a monthly car payment and a new car! Well, new to us anyway :)

The Land Rover looks a lot like this. Nevermind the sign.
Anyhow, I'd better wrap up this post. I've got a few dishes to do while Ella baby naps. Have a wonderful day everyone!
I was just telling Brian that I cannot wait to move back so that I can be motivated by the lovely women of my life to get closer to God. I also cannot wait to have sisterly Bible studies once more with the babies of course.
Being homesick is no fun. I hope you find an amazing car. You guys are one of the most inspiring couples I know!
Oh! and do try that salad. I think it's delicious.
That was Brian's big hug little hug big kiss little kiss Big hug Big kiss little hug little kiss.
oh I wish I lived near you! I want to do bible studies so bad! We can't find a church we like and it is difficult! I found a daily devotional thing that is sent to your mail, that will do for now :)
Good luck with Sam and the grad school. I really want to do grad school but besides me freaking out over the GRE and my lack of comprehension (whole other story) I would have to do it completely online (the best degree for me is all the way at Penn State)
good luck with the cars!! I really want a KIA soul...but only because of the mice in the commerical. I shouldn't be making any serious life decisions anytime soon :)
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