I just came back from a bridal shower a couple of hours ago. A good friend from high school is getting married in a few weeks. It was strange but nice see people from my high school softball team there- people I haven't seen since I graduated. I found out that the bride, one of my good friends back then, went to Italy to play for a U.S. college softball team!! How amazing is that?! Who does stuff like that?! I am so proud of her! She's always been really good, but Italy? I'm so impressed that she played ball in college and just kept her dedication to the sport. Go girl :)
I need to upload some pics of Ella. Haven't posted any in a while. My sweet baby! She's almost 6 months now. Isn't that just nuts? She's pretty much mastered the art of rolling over, and now she's trying to figure out the crawling bit. It's so cute to see her try to coordinate her movements. Sometimes, I'll put a toy in front of her, just out of reach (I know, I'm so mean). But lo and behold, she finds a way to get it!
Ah! We have so many weddings coming up! I thought spring was wedding season... not this year. So far we have:
-Kourtney and Landry
-Micah and Bradley
-Kristen and Evan
-Roni and Chandler (just married)
So, the same day as my last post about the care package- I went as planned to WalMart and got all the stuff. Before my post that day, I had already gone to the post office to find out how much shipping to Afghanistan costs and get the box so I would know what would fit in it. I asked the post office man all my questions about shipping overseas and was all set!
Or so I thought. I got all the stuff and taped the box well to ship half way around the world, addressed it and went to the post office to mail it. Errrgg! So, I tell the man (same guy) that I'm ready to pay. He says, "Did you fill out the customs form?" "No, wasn't aware that I had to." He says, "Yeah, just fill this out." So I step aside and do as told. This was after waiting in line already like 10 minutes because some lady had to ship like 20 pairs of shoes to people all over the country- yeah, heard her whole story. Anyway, I fill out the form and hand it back to the man, and he says, "Oh, you have to go over it again, to make sure all the carbon copies are legible." OOOOOKKKK! I didn't see it when he first told me to fill out the form. It would've been nice if he said that to begin with. So there I go to the side again and fill out the form so that alllllll the carbon copies are legible (7 total). Yeah, I had to press freakin' hard.
Ok, back to the annoying post office man. "Here you go," I say as politely as I can. "Oh, no," he says :( "Do you have more than 4 items in here?" he says. "Um, yes. I have lots of snacks in there for my cousin." "Well, this isn't going to work, ma'am. You have to list each item and it's value." What? Are you SERIOUS?! WHY ARE YOU JUST NOW TELLING ME THIS?!!!!
I say, "Really, like how many packets of ramen noodles and cans of tuna? Really?"
"Yes ma'am," says that wonderful post office man AFTER my box was sealed and ready to ship. So I just got my pretty, duct taped all over box and left. :sigh: It's still sitting in the same spot in my laundry room the day I came back from the post office. Still sealed up all nice and tight. I so don't want to go through that whole process again :( Poopy post office man.
Well, I suppose that's enough for now. Here are some pics of my beautiful little girl.

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