Have you ever examined your heart? I mean truly taken the time to be quiet and listen? Do you know what means most to you?
Do you have secrets you know you'll never tell a soul?
Have you ever written down your story? Are you ever afraid of what other people cannot see? Do people know you... the real you?
Are you happy?
Have you ever felt beyond repair? Have you ever scared yourself? Do you think with your heart or your mind?
Do you let people in?
Are you the same person alone as when you're with other people? Is there a person you trust absolutely? Why?
Do you ever just feel like crying? Do you trust yourself? Do you trust others? Are you where you want to be?
If not, why not go there?
yep yep :) it's my calling.
I know my heart well, but sometimes, I think you know it better...
I have secrets... We all have secrets... But why can we not have that one, single, solitary soul that we can share everything with?
I have written down a story... yes... It is the most important story to me... It is the cause of a cascade of events that have changed me for the better... for life... it is Our story... Sometimes, I fear that the thoughts I have are reflected in my eyes... as you well know... most of the time, it is unintentional... And there is one person that knows ME... the real me... the uninhibited, undisclosed, uncensored ME... Because she is the only person that I do not fear sharing my Life with... My story... My truths, fears, doubts, oddities... There is one person that I can laugh freely with, at even the most unexpected things... Just because she thought it too...
I AM Happy... and you are the source of the Happiness...
There was a time that I felt "beyond repair..." Crushed, devastated, broken... call it what you will... I called it lost... and I scare myself a lot... It's mostly internal... things that I will only let one person in this world see... But sometimes, on the outside, it is fun to do things that make you think twice... Sometimes, we need adventure... We need excitement... Sometimes... I think with my mind, but feel with my heart... Sometimes I think that I feel too much... But when my head and my heart agree on something, then I know it is true... without doubt and with utter and absolute certainty (i.e. us)
I am working on letting people "in..." I guess that one could say, "He has trust issues..." But I try...
I try to be the same person in every setting... some settings prohibit that, but I try like heck to treat everyone with politeness and courtesy... By my nature I am... helpful, I guess... And most importantly, Yes, there is ONE person that I trust absolutely! Why? She has my heart... That isn't something that you can just give away, You know?
Sometimes, yes... Sometimes Life is overwhelming... but then I think of what the future will hold... I dedicate myself to staying the course, and seeing my word and my will through... and a lot of the time, I think of you... When it comes to what I feel, yes, I trust myself... But sometimes, when it comes to what I think... kinda sketchy... As an overanalytical thinker, you can understand (you of all people ;-)) And, no, I am not where I want to be...
Because, for the moment, we have to bear the burdensome agony of being apart... for the moment... at the possible gain of being together... Forever... For that, I would wait an eternity... For you... I would wait an eternity... But I am coming to you, as soon as I can...
I Love you...
Eternally yours,
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