Yesterday and the day before I worked. It was a good two days until yesterday afternoon. I was charge nurse and when I charge, I do a lot extra to help everyone else out. Well I was helping one of the other nurses label her IV tubing when my chest started feeling a little funny. It just felt like there was a little bit of pressure. I wanted to stay in there to help some more, but all of a sudden, I felt like I needed to sit down. I went and sat in the nurses' station for a little bit. Then Jeff asked if I could help him reposition a patient, so I went and helped him. While I was in there it got worse. It just kept getting worse and worse even when I was sitting. Eventually it got so bad I started crying and had to got lay down in one of the empty rooms. I called Sam and told him that I felt horrible.
He was there in 15 minutes and my director let me go home. This all happened around 5, so when I left at 530 I only missed about an hour and a half of work. I felt really bad that I had to leave, especially because I was charge. But I felt so so so bad. On the way home Sam had to pull over a couple of times so I could throw up. I got home and layed down and after about an hour it went away like nothing happened. But before it went away the pain moved to my stomach/upper abdomen. It was so weird. I really wish I knew what the heck happened to me.
This morning I woke up feeling just fine. Strange...
Anyway! I want to do something fun today but I don't know what. Oh! I need to pay our water bill... I keep forgetting and I need to do that before they turn our water off. I can be so forgetful sometimes! That's the only bill I forget about til the day its due. I think I need to put it on my phone's calendar.
I'm wanting to start a ladies' Bible study for my sisters and some close girlfriends of mine. Several weeks ago Sam and Ella when scrapbook-paper shopping with me. I had this idea to handmake these really cute invitations and send them out to each girl to join our study. I started cutting out the invites, but it's taking me
soooooo long to finish. I need to work on them today and send them out. I'll post pics of them when I finally finish. :sigh:
Here are some recent pics of Ella Bell. I try to take more today and post later.
Ta-ta for now :)