long drives with my husband where we just talk and never put the radio on.
feeling my baby move inside my tummy.
the smell of rain.
leaving my house early when I have to be somewhere.
Saturday mornings at my parents' house- there's always music on and the smell of good food.
hard working people.
baseball caps :)
the sound of my grandpa's laugh.
listening to Samy breathe while he's sleeping.
driving with a newly cleaned windshield.
being married <3
having such a large extended family.
that my sisters and I are so close in age.
waking up in the morning and just knowing it'll be a good day.
the sound of rain on our tin roof.
that our yard is huge.
my husband works hard in our business to build our future so that some day we won't have to work.
knowing that he needs me. Just like I need him.
going to Bahama Bucks to get a wedding cake with extra cream snow cone.
that God gives us different seasons.
green grass and big pretty trees.
pretty much decor that has birds on it.
our wedding more than any other wedding I've ever been to.
reading motivating books.
that I can trust what God has promised.
people who have morals, even with the small things. Especially with the small things.
feeling productive.
that I can talk to my husband about anything and everything. You really are my best friend Samy.
being alive.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Rainy days

It's been nice lately. I woke up yesterday early morning to the sound of rain on our tin roof. It started raining that night and rained all day until this morning. Still its drizzling and the humidity is "150%" according to my husband :)
Right now my sweet love is sleeping at home. I've been busy this morning. Already did the laundry, threw the trash, did the dishes, got our clothes ready for our meeting tonight, and took the car to get serviced. Goodness!
Now I'm at my parents house, listening to some great music and my dad cutting tile. They're tiling the living room and he wants to finish up by Sunday for the game. All there's left to do is grout. I'm glad- he's been working so hard on it lately. Sam came over after work this morning and helped him lay the last of the tile. Soon, it'll be all finished and look so nice :)
I think its about time to eat lunch.
Goodbye for now.
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