I'm studying the Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II right now and it is the most amazing gift! I can say now as a married woman, God has given such a beautiful gift to be shared between the husband and the wife. In a recent Bible study, some good girlfriends and I decided to study Song of Songs in the upcoming weeks. I'm so excited :) I'm reading a book now by Christopher West, "Heaven's Song" and another by St Bernard Clairveux. They're both so enlightening and full of God's Word and how He intended love to be.
It just saddens me a little to see how society today has distorted God's beautiful gift of the marital embrace into something that is to be shunned or thought of as sinful. And while it most certainly can be sinful when taken out of the marital context that God intended for us, it is still something so powerful it is, in conjunction with God, life-giving. In what other way, are we given such a privilege to assist our Creator in creating? Wow.
I'm excited to see where our Bible study takes us as we explore God's design for spiritual and physical love between a man and wife.